Tuesday, March 12, 2013

12AU7 QRP Transmitter from W0BVT

 The first triode section of the 12AU7 is a XTAL. oscillator transmitter, and the second triode is the choke-coupled modulator.  B+ voltage can be selected form a little hand-crank generator, or the Eico bench power supply.  When using the hand generator 100 mw's of power or less can be expected...with the bench supply at 150 volts, slightly more.  Audio input was from a universal 12AX7 pre-amp. and D-104 microphone.  The D-104 talk bar was taped closed so I could hold the generator down with the left hand and crank with the right hand...while talking!   Only about 50 to 60 percent modulation was possible, and results were improved when using my sweep tube linear amp., which increased output power to more than 1 watt.